
CCOJB President Yves Oschinsky: “Many Belgian Jews are removing mezuzahs and their names from their apartment doorbells”

A study by the Jonathas Institute, in collaboration with Ipsos, indicates that Belgian society remains deeply affected by antisemitic prejudices that stigmatise the Jewish community.

Belgian soldier sentenced for Holocaust denial and incitement to hatred

The accused were suspected of creating and participating in two Facebook groups named "Auschwitz" and "Hitler did nothing wrong." Members of these groups shared violent, racist, antisemitic, homophobic, and xenophobic content.

Football match between Belgium and Israel canceled by Brussels authorities due to alleged tensions “linked to the war with Hamas”

"Holding such a match in our capital will undoubtedly provoke significant demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, thus compromising the security of spectators, players,residents, and our police forces," the authorities said in a press release.

Plaque commemorating WWII resistance fighters target of antisemitic act in Brussels

The act was condemned by CCOJB, the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations (CCOJB).

According to a survey, nearly one in four Brussels residents holds antisemitic views

Since the massacre committed by Hamas in Israel on October 7 and the outbreak of the war, Jews in Belgium have been experiencing a challenging period, characterised by a resurgence of antisemitic acts.

Man throws airsoft grenade at Israeli Embassy in Brussels

A man threw an airsoft grenade at the Israeli Embassy in the Brussels municipality of Uccle, said the Brussels Public Prosecutor's Office. An investigation has been opened.

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