
Declaration of the EJC on the 80th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

The Shoah, the systematic and deliberate mission of the Nazis and their collaborators to annihilate the Jewish people, resulted in the murder of six million Jews between 1939 and 1945. This unparalleled atrocity in world history must never be trivialised, contextualised, or compared, as such acts perpetuate the suffering of its victims and their descendants.  

EJC deeply concerned about British union boycott motion against Israeli academic institutions

The European Jewish Congress is deeply concerned about the motion passed by Britain's University and College Union to boycott Israeli academic institutions and urges the Union to organize a referendum to turn over the decision

EJC Expresses Solidarity With Jewish Community in Geneva Following Synagogue Fire

The European Jewish Congress expresses its solidarity with Geneva's Jewish community following a destructive fire on Thursday at the city's largest synagogue, and urges the Swiss police to quickly investigate the causes

EJC President congratulates Nicolas Sarkozy on election victory

The President of the European Jewish Congress Pierre Besnainou has congratulated Nicolas Sarkozy following his election as President of the French Republic, saluting the winning candidate for his work as Minister of the Interior in combating anti-Semitism.

EJC President congratulates Nicolas Sarkozy on election victory

The President of the European Jewish Congress Pierre Besnainou has congratulated Nicolas...

EJC Disappointed by European Racism Law

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) welcomes the adoption by European Union Justice and Home Affairs ministers of the “Framework Decision on racism and xenophobia,” yet is concerned and disappointed that the text makes no explicit reference to anti-Semitism

EJC Welcomes European Parliament’s Condemnation of Anti-Semitic Brochure

The EJC welcomes the condemnation yesterday by the Bureau of the European Parliament of the anti-Semitic brochure published by MEP Maciej Giertych, and congratulates President of European Parliament Hans-Gert P̦ttering's intitative to sanction the Polish MEP sanctions for violating principles held by the European Union

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Events & Meetings

EJC holds concert in Krakow to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

EJC Executive Vice-President Raya Kalenova addressed the hundreds of participants at the event, which included distinguished policymakers, diplomats, leaders of Jewish communities from across the world, and Holocaust survivors, emphasising the need for the stories of the millions murdered under the Nazi regime to continue to be told for generations to come.